I am trying to remove cross forest contact from my Exchange 2013 CU5. The Delete button is greyed out in ECP so I then tried PS with command. "Get-MailContact -RecipientTypeDetails MailforestContact -ResultSize Unlimited | Remove-MailContact".
It failed with error,
"XYZ, ABC" is a mail forest contact and can't be removed.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Domain.net/GALSync/XYZ, ABC:ADObjectId) [Remove-MailContact], Tas
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=ServerName,RequestId=bbeaf0f1-f999-447c-9a75-c1b8d425d754,TimeStamp=7/22/2016
11:15:36 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-TaskInvalidOperationException] EECE9878,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Recipi
+ PSComputerName : Servername.domain.net
I researched and found that these objects are read-Only objects in AD for Exchange, But when I try to delete the contact using ADUC, it works and no longer show the contact in ECP.
Is there any way I can delete those contacts since the parent company no longer part of us now and we need to remove all the cross forest migration pieces. the removal of contact is the first step followed by removal of Email address from email policy then remove the domain from accepted domains etc.