Hello I need some help with my script.
What i would like to do is to export once a month the content of a mailbox and delete the content after the export process is complete.
$SourceMailbox = "Mailbox" $endDate = Get-Date -Day 1 "00:00:00" $startDate = $endDate.AddDays(-1) $enddatestring = $enddate.ToString('MM/dd/yyyy') $startdatestring = $startdate.ToString('MM/dd/yyyy') $dateTime = Get-Date -format "MMddyyyy_hhmmsstt" $archiveDate = (Get-Date).ToString('dd_MM_yyyy') $archiveJobName = $SourceMailbox + " " + $archiveDate + $dateTime $ExportContentFilter = "(Received -ge '$startDatestring') -and (Received -lt '$endDatestring')" $archiveFile = "archive " + $archiveDate + ".pst" $archiveFileDir = "\\\PSTPathFolder\" $archiveFilePath = $archiveFileDir + $archivefile $BatchName = "Mailbox " + $archiveDate + $endDate $searchStartDate = $startDate.ToString('MM/dd/yyyy') $searchEndDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(- (Get-Date).Day).ToString('MM/dd/yyyy') $searchDateRange = "Received:" + $searchStartDate + ".." + $searchEndDate $saveSearchLogMailbox = "LOG MAILBOX" $saveSearchLogFolder = "LOG MAILBOX SUB FOLDER" New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $SourceMailbox -Name $archiveFile -ContentFilter $ExportContentFilter -FilePath "$archiveFilePath" -IncludeFolders "inbox" # Wait for the archiving job to complete while (!(Get-MailboxExportRequest -Name $archiveJobName -Status Completed)) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1800 } do { # Creating a log file of email messages to be deleted $remainingItemCount = Get-Mailbox -Identity $SourceMailbox | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery $searchDateRange -LogOnly -LogLevel Full -TargetFolder $saveSearchLogFolder -TargetMailbox $saveSearchLogMailbox | select -expand ResultItemsCount # Delete email Get-Mailbox -Identity $SourceMailbox | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery $searchDateRange -DeleteContent -force # Sleep for 5 minutes only when there are more email messages to delete (may not be required) if ($remainingItemCount -eq 10000) { start-sleep -s 300 } } while ($remainingItemCount -eq 10000)
I Will run the script with task scheduler once a month
I Have Exchange 2010 sp3