after successful PF migration, Ex2010 to Ex2013 I could see everything working from Outlook.
Anyway, I wanted at the very end to compare folder statistics and permissions against legacy settings.
Unfortunately, at about 600 folders I could get error:
The security principal specified is already on the permission set.
I've checked one of affected folders via Outlook / Folder Permissions and could see doubled entries for same identity (imagine, two times the same account with the same Owner permissions) I've tried to delete it ;) but the result is that folder lost completely the permissions and I can NOT change it over shell, ECP or Outlook anymore even I was the former owner.
So, is there something like ExFolders so I could reset the ACL on the affected folder ? It is quite urgent for me as I need to decide if I should do rollback or keep it as it is risking some future issues ...