We have a problem with Exchange 2013 ever since we put CU3 on it. Basically Exchange forces a server reboot every couple of days or so. We have traced this to a problem with one of the probes, ActiveDirectoryConnectivityServerReboot.
Here is the last event log reference just before the restart:
- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Exchange-ManagedAvailability
[ Guid] {C424A887-A89F-455F-8319-960917152221}
EventID 500
Version 0
Level 4
Task 3
Opcode 0
Keywords 0x4000000000000000
- TimeCreated
[ SystemTime] 2014-03-17T18:32:35.168048800Z
EventRecordID 758
- Execution
[ ProcessID] 1852
[ ThreadID] 2712
Channel Microsoft-Exchange-ManagedAvailability/RecoveryActionResults
Computer exch1-serv.CS2-SBS.local
- Security
[ UserID] S-1-5-18
- UserData
- EventXML
Id ForceReboot
InstanceId 140317.063026.36348.004
ResourceName EXCH1-SERV
StartTime 2014-03-17T18:30:26.3634893Z
EndTime 2014-03-17T18:35:26.3634893Z
State Started
Result Succeeded
RequestorName ActiveDirectoryConnectivityConfigDCServerReboot
ExceptionName [null]
ExceptionMessage [null]
Context [null]
CustomArg1 [null]
CustomArg2 [null]
CustomArg3 This entry was constructed post reboot by Managed availability startup
LamProcessStartTime 17/03/2014 01:58:10
ThrottleIdentity ForceReboot/Default/Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Responders.ForceRebootServerResponder/ActiveDirectoryConnectivityConfigDCServerReboot/EXCH1-SERV
ThrottleParametersXml <ThrottleConfig Enabled="True" LocalMinimumMinutesBetweenAttempts="720" LocalMaximumAllowedAttemptsInOneHour="-1" LocalMaximumAllowedAttemptsInADay="1" GroupMinimumMinutesBetweenAttempts="600"
GroupMaximumAllowedAttemptsInADay="4" />
TotalLocalActionsInOneHour 0
TotalLocalActionsInOneDay 0
TotalGroupActionsInOneDay 0
I have found various references to this on the internet and the workaround is to apply an override for 60 days (the maximum that can be applied). This is the command:
Add-GlobalMonitoringOverride -Identity Exchange\ActiveDirectoryConnectivityServerReboot -ItemType Responder -PropertyName Enabled -PropertyValue 0 -Duration 60.00:00:00
The problem is Exchange is not recognising the presence of the override. Testing to see if this has been set gets this result:
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>(Get-WinEvent -LogName Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring/responderdefinition | % {[XML]$_.toXml()}).event.userData.eventXml | ?{$_.Name -like "ActiveDirectoryConnectivityConfigDCServerReboot"} | ft name,enabled
ActiveDirectoryConnectivityConfigDCServerReboot 1
Under CU2 setting this override does show as enabled=0. I know this because I have set up a second Exchange server and put it at 2013 CU2. When I subsequently applied SP1 to the second server the override once again shows enabled=1.
Applying SP1 to this server has not helped.
I haven't created a DAG yet but will do when this is resolved. The second exchange server is completely empty.
Is this a bug? Am I missing something?