I am migrating from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013, and have all our mailboxes moved to 2013. The last thing to go - public folders. Followed the steps here (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj150486%28v=exchg.150%29.aspx), but now the job just
repeatedly (every 2.5 minutes) stalls with the message: "Relinquishing job because the mailbox is locked. The job will attempt to continue again after (five minutes)" After five minutes, it resumes, then stalls again after 2.5 minutes. I never get
past the CreatingFolderHierarchy stage and/or 10% completion.
There is no firewall (software or hardware) between our 2013 Exch Servers and the 2010 Exch Servers. We are running Exch 2013 SP1 on Server 2012 R2. The domain account I'm using in Powershell is a Domain Admin and Exchange Org Admin. We have no 2013 Public Folders, and I am only migrating into one 2013 PF Mailbox.
So far I've tried:
- Rebooting the Mailbox servers (2013 is in a DAG)
- Restarting the Replication and Mailbox Replication services on all servers
- Switching the -DomainController switch for the migration request
- Mounting the Mailbox DB containing the PF Mailbox on various DAG members
Truncated output of Get-PublicFolderMigrationRequest | Get-PublicFolderMigrationRequestStatistics -IncludeReport | fl
Name: PublicFolderMigration
Status: InProgress
StatusDetail: StalledDueToMailboxLock
SyncStage: CreatingFolderHierarchy
4/24/2014 6:36:15 PM [MB2] The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service 'MB2.notmyrealdomain.com' (15.0.847.31 caps:03FF) is examining the request.
4/24/2014 6:36:16 PM [MB2] Connected to target mailbox 'd744a307-4485-4f3a-a3f2-27a75770cee9', database 'MBDatabase', Mailbox server 'MB2.notmyrealdomain.com' Version 15.0 (Build 847.0), proxy server 'MB2.notmyrealdomain.com' 15.0.847.31 caps:1FFFCB07FFFF.
4/24/2014 6:36:16 PM [MB2] Connected to source mailbox '', database 'PublicFolder', Mailbox server 'EX2010.notmyrealdomain.com' Version 14.3 (Build 181.0).
4/24/2014 6:36:16 PM [MB2] Request processing continued, stage CreatingFolderHierarchy.
4/24/2014 6:36:16 PM [MB2] Initializing folder hierarchy from mailbox '': 3250 folders total.
4/24/2014 6:36:16 PM [MB2] Folder creation progress: 0 folders created in mailbox 'd744a307-4485-4f3a-a3f2-27a75770cee9'.
4/24/2014 6:38:37 PM [MB2] Relinquishing job because the mailbox is locked. The job will attempt to continue again after 4/24/2014 6:43:37 PM.
Does anyone have any clue as to how this can be resolved? I've scoured technet, these forums, and search engines for a fix - but nothing seems to work.
Thanks for your time