We just going through the Exchange 2013 migration from Exchange 2010. I have one or two questions when following the Exchange deployment Assistant. We have HLB where the certificates and we enable SSLoffload on the CAS server. So we don't have public CA's
on our CAS 2010 servers.
So on the documentation it says to run this command, were it will disable SSLOffloading and change to Basic authentication. Will my running outlook 2010 clients start getting certificate errors and will they work as normal ?
Get-ExchangeServer | Where {($_.AdminDisplayVersion -Like "Version 14*") -And ($_.ServerRole -Like "*ClientAccess*")} | Get-ClientAccessServer | Where {$_.OutlookAnywhereEnabled -Eq $False} | Enable-OutlookAnywhere -ClientAuthenticationMethod Basic -SSLOffloading $False -ExternalHostName $Exchange2013HostName -IISAuthenticationMethods NTLM, Basic